Friday, April 16, 2010


Getting cassandra up to hit with ruby and C++ clients

So at Discovereads we're giving cassandra a spin on the dance floor to see how she moves. We also need to connect via ruby and C++ clients (most of our writing will come from C++ and mostly reading (though some writing as well) from the ruby).

Seems everyone has a blog post like this one where he or she says "it took forever, kept looking at other sites and none of them just worked, so hopefully I'll save someone else some time and put the steps I took here". Well, this is mine. Pretty skeptical it'll actually help anyone else, but I hope it does!

I got a lot of help (on the ruby side) from

And after accomplishing hitting from the ruby client I moved on to trying to hit with the libcassandra lib from posulliv: ,

First, get cassandra (the ruby way), following evan weaver's instructions (link above)

Now, to get the C++ lib working, there were a few unsatisfied dependencies:
- boost (I used
- thrift (I used thrift 0.2.0):

Cassandra C++ lib

get boost:get thrift:libcassandra:still verifying if all looks well...

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